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作者:   时间:2018-12-17   点击数:
姓名: 魏爱荣
民族: 汉族
学历: 博士
职称: 教授
导师信息: 博士生导师
职务: 电子技术新应用研究所支部书记
党派: 共产党
学科一: 控制科学与工程
邮箱: weiairong@sdu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://
所在院系: beat365正版唯一网址
研究方向: 受限非线性(切换)系统控制;  Hamilton控制系统; 多智能体系统; 电力系统基于能量控制; EDA技术应用
通信地址: 济南市经十路17923号 beat365手机官方网站千佛山校区beat365正版唯一网址

IEEE Trans Automatic ControlSystems and Control LetterJournal of Systems Science and ComplexityAsian Journal of Control International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control、中国科学、自动化学报、控制理论与应用等国际、国内知名期刊的审稿人;


2010  beat365手机官方网站青年教师讲课大赛一等奖,信息学部第1


200209月——20066    beat365手机官方网站控制理论与控制工程    博士

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受限非线性(切换)系统控制;  Hamilton控制系统; 多智能体系统; 电力系统基于能量控制;  EDA技术应用等.


1 饱和受限非线性切换系统控制策略及在混合动力电动汽车中的应用G61573218),国家自然科学基金项目2016.01-2019.12,项目主持人。


3 和非线性系统基于能量的研究(2010TS078beat365手机官方网站自主创新基金项目2010.06-2012.12,项目主持人(已结题)。

4 电子技术教学内容及方法探索,beat365手机官方网站教改项目2011.1-2011.12,项目主持人(已结题)。

5 高效绿色逆变弧焊电源非线性优化控制(G51207083),国家自然科学基金项目2013.01-2015.12,第2位。


7 一类仿射多自主体基于能量的协调控制研究山东省自然科学基金项目,2011.01-2013.122位(已结题)。

8 多平衡点非线性切换系统基于能量分析、综合与应用(G60774009国家自然科学基金项目2008.01-2010.12,第3位(已结题)。

主要论著目录 (出版的专著及发表的第一、通讯作者SCI EI 收录主要论文)

1   魏爱荣  饱和受限非线性系统控制策略及应用, 专著, 清华大学出版社, 2016.

2.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen.  Stabilization and Hcontrol of nonlinear port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Automatica, 46(12): 2008-2013, 2010 (SCI, EI).

3.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen. Adaptive parallel simultaneous stabilization of a set of uncertain port-controlled hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28(11): 1128-1144, 2014 (SCI, EI).

4.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen.  Estimate of domain of attraction for a class of port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to both actuator saturation and disturbances.  Asian Journal of Control, 14(4): 1108-1112, 2012 (SCI, EI).

5.  Lihan, Wei Airong*. Stabilization and H control of nonlinear switched Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation.  Asian Journal of Control, In press, 2016 (SCI, EI).

6.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen.  Disturbance tolerance and H control of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems in the presence of actuator saturation, International Journal of control, Automation, and Systems,12(2), 2014 (SCI, EI).

7.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen.  Tracking control of leader-follower multi-agent systems subject to actuator saturation.  IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 1(1), 77-84 2014 (EI).

8.  Wei Airong, Hu xiaoming, Wang Yuzhen. Consensus of linear multi-agent systems subject to actuator saturation  International Journal of control, Automation, and Systems, 11(4): 649-656, 2013 (SCI, EI).

9.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen. Adaptive control of uncertain Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturatio.  International Journal of control, Automation, and Systems, 9(6): 1-7, 2011 (SCI, EI).

10.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen.  Parallel simultaneous stabilization of a set of multi-input nonlinear port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation.  Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24(1): 120-139, 2011 (SCI, EI).

11.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen. On study of estimate of attraction domain for Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 10 (2) 195–200, 2012 (EI).

12.  魏爱荣,王玉振, 赵克友. 含状态时滞及执行器饱和不确定系统的反馈镇定和L2增益分析. 控制理论与应用, 24(3): 475-479, 2007 (EI).

13.  魏爱荣,赵克友. 运用线性反馈分析设计饱和线性系统. 控制与决策, 20(1): 59-61+68, 2005 (EI).

14.  Lihan, Wei Airong*. Robust stabilization of switched nonlinear systems subject to

actuator saturation Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 4110-4135, 2016. 07 (EI).

15.  Jia dandan, Wei Airong*, Li han. The L2 gain analysis for a class of dissipative Hamilton systems subject to time-varying delay and saturation Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference, 235-240, 2015. 07 (EI).

16.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen Disturbance tolerance and Hcontrol of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems in the presence of actuator saturation. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 828-833, 2013. 07 (EI).

17.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen, Hu xiaoming, Adaptive robust parallel simultaneous stabilization of two uncertain Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to input saturation. Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, 727-732, 2012. 07 (EI).

18.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen, Hu xiaoming, Adaptive simultaneous stabilization of two Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 1767-1772, 2012.07 (EI).

19.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen, Hu xiaoming, Adaptive H control of uncertain Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 391-396, 2011. 07 (EI).

20  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen, Estimate of domain of attraction for a class of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to both actuator saturation and disturbance, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 957-962, 2010. 07 (EI).

21.  Wei Airong, Wang Yuzhen,, Parallel simultaneous stabilization of two nonlinear Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. Proceedings of the 27ndChinese Control Conference, 388-395, 2008. 07 (EI).


模拟电子技术基础  数字电子技术基础  线性代数  概率论与数理统计



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